WHO: behisgirlfriday and doubleohhbaby WHAT: Drinks and banter. WHERE: Rob Roy's bar, Seattle WHEN: Thursday night WARNINGS: Drinking. Language. Possible flirting on Bond's behalf and terrible Connery impressions from Pepper. Hideous.
WHO: Lorna Dane and James Bond WHAT: Chip removin' WHERE: Some fancy wine bar WHEN: 6ish tonight. WARNINGS: This has the ability to be hideous SUMMARY: Lorna goes to see Mr. Bond to take out dat chip of his Bondy self. Awwwright
WHO: EVERYONE WHAT: Christmas CR WHERE: The High Note Hotel WHEN: December 25th, 1931 WARNINGS: I cannot even predict this SUMMARY: Just a big log for action threads. Treat this like an open RP! Tag into the different areas (or add ones of your own!).